Useful Links
Achievement scheme, A and B test Much help available here! Including the A & B test requirements
BMFA Website The National Body in the UK
GBRCAA The home of aerobatic flight in the UK
Bolt World Like the above, the name pretty much gives it away
Bondaero High performance aerobatic aero-modelling
Bucks Composites Modern building materials
Deluxe Materials If you want glue they have glue for every occasion
Easy Composites The home of epoxy and glass fibre
Free Flight Supplies The clue is in the title!
Hobby King For all things RC related
Kay's Fasteners Every size of nut, bolt, washer and fastener available
Model Fixings For all those simple hard to get fixing things that you have lost
Nexus Modelling Supplies Pretty much everything modelling wise
Phoenix Flight Sim Now abandon-ware, (if you agree), this flight Sim is free
RC - Soar Competition glider LUA Scripts
Slec UK Definitely one for the builders