About Us
ADMFC has been running since 1967 and we have +60 members. We are predominantly a fixed-wing model-flying club located in South Buckinghamshire in the Aylesbury district.
Unfortunately we can't cater for multi rotor/drones, helicopters, gas turbines, engines over 45cc or EDF models over 6 cell.
The club has an enviable reputation for offering training and support for beginners and experts alike. Club Members enjoy the benefits of a large and secluded flying field in beautiful surroundings, a regular club magazine and our club website that has a members-only forum where you can also list safely to sell flying items to other members.
All 365 days of the year (and 366 when we can get in an extra one) are flying days at ADMFC with the only restriction being that model flying is only within the following hours:
Monday to Saturday from 9am to 8pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays from 9.30am to 6pm
The club runs several competitions each year, all competitions count towards the prestigious top gun trophy, the rules of which you will find here.
The competition calendar is published at the beginning of each year in the club newsletter and events are added to our website events system for you to RSVP against.
The club committee requests all members to be aware of the club rules and to follow them at all times, you can find the current club rules here.
You might want to visit the useful links page to see some places where you can get anything from a full airframe to a single washer, (alternative vendors are available) and the links will be updated from time to time based on members experience.
What We Offer